Welcome to My Buzz & Rant Space

A balance of life, love, tech and calm soul.. ok maybe less calm, but you get the drift....

50+ years of personal experience in all sorts of different sports, careers, adventures and businesses makes for a diverse range of topics. I'll probably write about it… One Day.

…like me, this site is a work in progress.

Buzz & Rant
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Who Am I

The Answer to "Life The Universe & Everything" is not 42!

Internet Architect, Geek Translator, Travelholic, Tech Mentor, Social Documenter, Gadgeteer.

Social Documenter, Writer, Publisher, Designer, Traveller, Gadgeteer, Sunrise Addicted. Internet Architect, Geek Translator, Travelholic, Tech Mentor.

Who said tech things for internet marketing is easy… ME! – Ask Me How

In ten words or less: I love my technology, do fun internet stuff, travel (not enough) and…. is food a sport? Ok that was more than 10 words, however you get the drift!

What I talk about

Life, Technology, WordPress, Photography etc


Computers: Apple, PC, Phones and others...


Such a big thing...
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Time Never Sleeps

One Day to the next, a new day every day.


So many Projects...
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